The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) has made a “rapid change” to its guidance after the passing of James ‘Jimmy’ Alderman, who an inquest heard died from suffocation
A grieving parent has welcomed changes to breastfeeding guidance issued by the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) after the death of his newborn.
George Alderman’s son James ‘Jimmy’ Alderman died from suffocation, and at his inquest, a coroner there was “insufficient information” for parents about the safe positioning of young babies in carriers, particularly when it came to breastfeeding. So the NCT now informs inform those expecting a baby that hands-free breastfeeding is “always unsafe”.
Speaking on Tuesday, George, 38, said: “It is a good reaction to what the coroner said, it is a good first step but we still feel there are other things that need to change that will take a bit longer. Why did it have to be us, why did it have to be Jimmy for something to change?” The dad gave The Mirror permission to use pictures of the family, who have paid tribute to Jimmy.
Jimmy was being breastfed by his mother, Ellie, inside a sling that she wore “snugly”, not tightly – she could even see his face when looking down. While she was feeding Jimmy, who was six weeks and six days old, Ellie moved around their home but after five minutes, she realised her son had collapsed. Resuscitation began immediately, but he sadly died in a hospital in south London three days later on October 11, 2023, from suffocation.
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The NCT, which provides classes for expecting parents, now say babies should always be taken out of a carrier to feed and that the practice is also a trip hazard. Its website now reads: “Using a sling for at least an hour a day is linked to more frequent breastfeeding (the baby should always be taken out of the carrier to feed)
“‘Hands-free'” breastfeeding or bottle feeding, where the wearer moves around and does other jobs while the baby is feeding, is unsafe. This is especially true for babies under four months old. It also applies to babies born prematurely or those with a health condition. Moving around with loose sling fabric could also be a trip hazard.
“If the baby needs to feed, take them out of the sling. When they have finished feeding, either return them to the sling or put the baby down in a safe space.”
Their change comes after Jimmy’s inquest in west London flagged concerns about the previous guidance. In a Prevention of Future Deaths Report, the coroner said: “Baby Jimmy was being breastfed within a baby carrier worn by his mother. After five minutes she found that he was collapsed and although immediate resuscitation was commenced he died three days later on 11 October 2023 in St George’s Hospital.
“Jimmy died because his airway was occluded as he was not held in a safe position while within the sling. There is insufficient information available from any source to inform parents of safe positioning of young babies within carriers and in particular in relation to breastfeeding.”
Speaking after the NCT’s move, George added: “We are really pleased that the Lullaby Trust and the NCT have updated their guidance, it was definitely something that through the inquest process we felt strongly about. We are really happy that positive changes are starting to happen but obviously it is mixed with sadness. We are grateful things are happening but it is just a shame these things weren’t being done before it, maybe we would have been more aware.”
Last year, the Aldermans raised almost £19,000 for St George’s Hospital, Momentum Children’s Charity and Kingston Hospital Charity by organising events under the name Jimmy’s Cuddle. The Lullaby Trust is a charity, which aims to prevent unexpected deaths in infancy and promote infant health.