Cambridge University researchers show how aspirin could boost T-cells which stop cancers cells from spreading
Scientists have discovered how aspirin may prevent some cancers from spreading.
Cambridge University scientists studied mice and found giving them aspirin boosted crucial T-cells which kill the cancer cells which start to spread to other organs. Human trials are now taking place to find out if aspirin can stop or delay early stage cancers from coming back.
But the experts insist cancer patients should not routinely take aspirin without speaking to their doctor because of potential side-effects, such as bleeding in the stomach.
Researchers screened 810 genes in mice and found 15 that had an effect on cancer spread. They found that mice lacking a gene which produces a protein called ARHGEF1 were less likely to have cancer spread to the lungs and liver.
ARHGEF1 suppressed T-cells, which are a vital part of the immune system, important for recognising and killing metastatic cancer cells.
The team found that ARHGEF1 is switched on when T cells are exposed to a clotting factor called thromboxane A2 (TXA2). TXA2 is produced by platelets in the blood and aspirin is already known to cut the production of TXA2.
Dr Jie Yang, also from the University of Cambridge, said: “It was a Eureka moment when we found TXA2 was the molecular signal that activates this suppressive effect on T cells. Before this, we had not been aware of the implication of our findings in understanding the anti-metastatic activity of aspirin.
“Aspirin, or other drugs that could target this pathway, have the potential to be less expensive than antibody-based therapies, and therefore more accessible globally.”
The research found that aspirin can prevent cancers from spreading by decreasing TXA2 – releasing T cells from being suppressed so they can kill cancer cells. Cancers were less likely to spread in mice given aspirin.
The Cambridge team is now sharing its findings with scientists at University College London which is conducting the Add-Aspirin clinical trial to find out if aspirin can stop certain cancers spreading in humans. The trial, funded by Cancer Research UK, includes patients with breast, oesophageal, stomach, prostate and bowel cancer.
Professor Ruth Langley, who is leading the UCL trial, said: “This is an important discovery. It will enable us to interpret the results of ongoing clinical trials and work out who is most likely to benefit from aspirin after a cancer diagnosis.
“In a small proportion of people, aspirin can cause serious side-effects, including bleeding or stomach ulcers. Therefore, it is important to understand which people with cancer are likely to benefit, and always talk to your doctor before starting aspirin.”
Professor Alan Melcher, of London’s Institute of Cancer Research, said: “This new research may help to design better, more targeted drugs, that interfere with the mechanism discovered here to do the good things that aspirin does, without the harmful side-effects.”
Tanya Hollands, research information manager at Cancer Research UK, said: “At the moment, there are no national guidelines for the general population to take aspirin to prevent or treat cancer.”