Although the government is increasing the amount of money it gives to councils in 2025-26, millions of households are expected to see a rise in their bill over the same 12-month period
After a two-month break, dreaded Council Tax bills are set to make their return. And it seems local authorities have added a sting to the tail.
Despite the government’s plans to boost council funding in 2025-26, a large number of British households are bracing for an increase in their annual bill. While most larger councils in England can hike the tax by up to 4.99% each year, six areas have been given the green light to ignore this limit due to potential financial problems.
One disgruntled resident has taken her frustration to TikTok, branding her local council as “robbers” in a fiery tirade against what she calls “rip off Britain”. Jo didn’t mince her words in a caption: “Robbers! Simple as! Another increase in Council Tax again! I’m not surprised but still annoyed! Great Britain is a rip off!”.
Kicking off her video with a warning, she fumed: “Honestly I’m raging – and I knew I was going to be raging,” before complaining about the system. “Yes we get two months off a year where we don’t have to pay Council Tax – but it’s spread over 10 months rather than 12, don’t go fooling yourself. Now we’ve had a 4.8% increase – an increase in what we have to pay, but a decrease in the services we’re going to receive because we live in rip off Britain.”
WARNING – explicit language in TikTok video below, viewer discretion advised
Jo didn’t hold back in her rant, highlighting the dire situation where many “can’t afford to put food in bellies”, and yet face “threatened with prison” for unpaid bills. She quipped: “I wouldn’t mind paying more if the services were to a decent standard”.
It appears she’s not alone in her frustration. A TikTok user agreed, writing, “My bill went from £120 a month to £150 a month, increase of £30 per month so unfair,” followed by the pointed question, “Why do they keep robbing us?”
Another chimed in with their own story: “Straight facts. This is why I moved out of the UK last year. The cost of living was crippling us as a family. It’s such a deal depressing place to live now. Worst I’ve seen it in 50 years! Awful. We moved to Costa Blanca – it wasn’t easy and took us a few years to do it but worth it in the end.”
A third commenter said it was a universal struggle: “Unfortunately it’s the same everywhere, just atrocious. We pay more and being asked to take own rubbish to skip? So what’s the refuse bill for?” Meanwhile, a fourth person was exasperated: “I felt exactly the same I blew up! The list of bills that gone since I have retired is off the chart – not by the odd few pounds either. I am starting to feel I’m existing rather than living.”
There are a wide number of circumstances that could help you to claim a Council Tax Reduction. Full details on eligibility can be found on GOV.UK.