A poll of 2,000 UK adults found that 70% would struggle to define the role of a mum if it was presented to them as a job description
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Funky Pigeon test out mum’s CV on the public
If the role of ‘Mum’ was advertised as a job, seven in ten people admit they’d struggle to understand what it entails based on the job spec alone.
Brits reckon the job role of ‘mum’ should command an annual salary of more than £83,500.
The sheer breadth of skills required makes it a tough job to pin down, with key skills including multitasking under pressure, providing emotional support, and managing household schedules.
Other essential skills that should be included on a mum’s CV, according to the poll, are crisis management, creative thinking, and being a master of finding lost items and removing stains.
The research, conducted by Funky Pigeon ahead of Mother’s Day, highlights the value people place on mums and all that they do.
A spokesperson for Funky Pigeon said: “What is clear is that respondents certainly value mums and everything they do.
“Looking at what experience they’d add to the CV of a mum, it’s so wide and varied it really showcases everything they do for us.
“However, the research has also shown that it can be easy at times to forget how much they do and show our appreciation.”
Eight out of ten people view mums as ‘real-life superheroes’, with 68% feeling they don’t get the recognition they deserve.
A whopping 75% reckon Mother’s Day is the perfect chance to show their love for mum, with over a third admitting they don’t tell their mum enough just how much she means to them, and 17% barely making an effort on her special day.
When it comes to what counts as ‘enough effort’, 69% said that buying a gift would hit the mark, while 55% thought a heartfelt card would do the job.
However, for 16%, a last-minute box of chocolates and a card from a petrol station seems good enough, and 19% acknowledge they’ve skimped on efforts before.
Chipping in, a Funky Pigeon spokesperson said: “Thankfully, most people lucky enough to have a relationship with their mum make it known how much they care.
“A card is often seen as the bare minimum on their special day and it feels a special, personalised and heartfelt card can go a long way to making them feel loved.”
- Proficient in multitasking under pressure
- Skilled in providing emotional support and comfort
- Adept at managing household schedules and calendars
- Experienced in handling toddler tantrums and meltdowns
- Experienced in crisis management
- Expert in conflict resolution
- Expert in sleep deprivation endurance
- Pro at finding lost items (e.g. socks, shoes, homework)
- Specialist in grocery shopping with kids in tow
- Knowledgeable in nutrition and meal planning
- Specialist in stain removal and laundry magic
- Adept at managing family finances and expenses
- Knowledgeable in first aid and boo-boo healing
- Skilled in bedtime negotiation tactics
- Specialist in bedtime routine enforcement
- Skilled in budget management and coupon clipping
- Seasoned event planner for birthday parties and playdates
- Talented in bedtime storytelling and lullaby singing
- Expert in holiday and special occasion preparations
- Talented in creating fun and educational activities