The 22-year-old woman did not tell doctors she had a butt plug, made entirely out of silicone, inserted inside her before having the MRI scan – and the consequences were grim
A woman “felt nauseous, was in pain, and felt like she was going to pass out” after a sex toy she left inside her was dragged through her body during an MRI scan.
The 22-year-old patient told medics she was experiencing the huge discomfort after the “butt plug” in her back passage reacted dangerously with the scanner. The item was dragged from her rectum and up into her body, it is understood.
An ambulance was called for the young woman who was then checked out by a radiologist. It is believed she has not returned calls made by the hospital, which is in the US, following the episode.
MRI scanners use powerful magnets to produce detailed images of what is inside the body. The results of MRI scans are then used to help diagnose conditions and plan treatments.
The woman who inserted the sex toy had believed it was made entirely out of silicone but it actually contained metal in its core. An image of the sex toy being dragged up through the body has circulated online and led to warnings about wearing metal objects during the scan.
X/Twitter user DreadPirateZero shared the picture in May last year and captioned the post: “Never wear a butt plug to your MRI appointment. My God.”
The post claimed the sex toy had been pulled through the patients body and into their chest cavity and that the patient managed to survive with “major injuries.” Ahead of an MRI scan, radiographers typically check whether patients have any mental objects on them.
The patient at the US hospital reportedly did not disclose she had a sex toy inside her and believed it did not contain any metal. A report filed for the July 4, 2023, incident was shared online said patient had been left screaming after she underwent the MRI scan.
The US Department of Health and Human Services report seen by The Mirror said: “Patient was screened for a MRI and did not disclose that she had a “butt plug” inserted. She went in for the MRI and when the MRI was over and the tech was pulling the table out the patient started to scream.
“The patient stated that she felt nauseous, was in pain, and felt like she was going to pass out. An ambulance was called for this patient and she was sent to the hospital. The patient was checked out by the radiologist at the site before transport to ensure the patient was doing okay. The patient has not returned any of our calls yet to try and follow up to see how she is doing.”
The incident is one of several serious MRI accidents to have happened in recent years. In January 2023, a man who took his mother to have an MRI scan ended up with a bullet in his abdomen when the magnets in the machine caused his gun to involuntarily discharge.