Top 10 Flight Destinations That Indians Are Searching For New Year’s Eve

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Flights to this quaint city were some of the most searched for as per data provided by Skyscanner.

10. Pune, Maharashtra

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This iconic city also got a lot of attention from Indians this year.

9. London, UK

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Clearly, Indians have a penchant for the city of pearls!

8. Hyderabad, Telangana

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Flights to the city of gold were also searched for by Indians.

7. Dubai, UAE

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Goa is the party capital of India so it’s understandable why so many people would want to go there for the new year.

6. Mormugao, Goa

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Flights to this Thai city also got a lot of attention from Indians.

5. Bangkok, Thailand

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4. Toronto, Canada

Toronto was the most searched-for non-Indian destination by Indians for New Year’s.

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3. Mumbai, Maharashtra

Many Indians searched for flights to the Financial Capital as well.

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2. Bengaluru, Karnataka

The Silicon Valley of India also attracted significant attention from Indians this New Year’s Eve.

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1. New Delhi, India

As per data provided by Skyscanner, Indians searched the most for flights to New Delhi.

Where are you heading to this New Year’s Eve?

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