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As a country obsessed with tea, we are equally obsessed with a tea-time snack - biscuits.
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But it does lead us to question - is it okay to have biscuits with tea? Are biscuits a healthy snack?
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Nutritionist Amita Gadre took to her Instagram to answer these questions and she revealed that biscuits aren’t good for you as they don’t have any nutrition.
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She went on to explain that the majority of the biscuits & cookies in the market offer just “empty calories” as they are high in fat and refined flour, with little to no fibre. So, they provide energy with minimal other nutrients like protein, vitamins, or minerals.
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According to Amita Gadre, biscuits that claim to be sugar-free, zero-fat, maida-free, or even diabetes-friendly, are also “empty calories.”
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In the video, she further explains that if we continue to eat food that doesn’t provide us adequate nutrients, we miss out on opportunities to nourish our bodies.
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Since most biscuits in the market are made with maida, they lack fibre. Poor fibre intake can cause constipation and other health issues.
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So, if you’re feeling hungry then pair your tea with makhana, methi thepla, fruits, or low-oil chiwda.
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This doesn’t mean that you completely stop your biscuit intake! You can eat them occasionally. Just make sure to not make it a daily habit!
Credits: Canva