5 Tributaries Of Indus River And Places They Flow In

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Indus River

The Indus River, one of the longest rivers in Asia, has numerous tributaries.

Its Tributaries

These tributaries collectively form the extensive river system of the Indus, playing a vital role

Here They Are...

Some of the major tributaries of the Indus River and the places they flow through are:

1. River Chenab

The Chenab originates at the Bara Lacha Pass area of the Lahul-Spiti part of the Zaskar Range.

2. River Sutlej

It starts on the southern slopes of Kailash Mountain, across the Indian border.

3. River Beas

The Beas Watercourse, an important river of the Indus River System, begins in Rohtang Pass in HP.

4. Ravi River

The Ravi originates in the Kullu Hills in Himachal Pradesh, close to the Rohtang Pass.

5. Jhelum River

The source of the Jhelum is springtime at Verinag, in the southeast of the Kashmir Valley.

So, have you been to any of these places?