Business Wednesday, Oct 23

Laurie Taylor, 31, told the 13-year-old “she deserved to die” as she held a pillow over her face, kicked and throttled her, and knocked her down a flight of stairs, a court heard

A 13-year-old schoolgirl was subjected to a horrific and unprovoked assault by a woman who chillingly told her “you deserve to die.”

Laurie Taylor, 31, launched a terrifying attack on the young girl while smothering her with a pillow, kicking, throttling her, and pushing her down a flight of stairs. The ordeal left the teenager with a suspected broken ankle as she struggled to get up, Dundee Sheriff Court heard.

Taylor, hailing from Arbroath, pleaded guilty to putting the child’s life at risk in Angus on August 22, last year, by assaulting and injuring her. Fiscal depute Emma Farmer described to the court how the girl had been meant to stay with Taylor but had voiced concerns about her behaviour to a teacher.

It was revealed that Taylor was heavily intoxicated, and although social workers visited the home to investigate, they were turned away, reports the Daily Record. Ms Farmer told the court: “The child found Taylor asleep next to several empty wine bottles and cans. The girl tried to wake her by shaking her shoulders. The accused was unsteady on her feet.

“The accused went upstairs and sat on top of the girl. She screamed ‘I’m going to kill you’ and picked up a pillow and placed it on her face. She was unable to breathe. She shouted that she ‘deserved to die’ and that she ‘would get away with it as there was no-one else in the house.’ This ceased after a minute or two.

“She kicked the victim on the leg three times and prevented her from leaving the room. She kicked her stomach – winding her and causing her to fall to the floor. The girl left the room and began making her way down stairs. At the top of the stairs, she became aware of the accused behind her. She felt a knock and fell down the stairs.”

Ms Farmer continued: “She was struggling to put weight on her ankle, but used the radiator to help get her up. Taylor repeated to the girl that ‘she deserved to die’ and put her hands round her throat. She felt the grip on her neck tightening and was in a state of shock as her neck was being compressed.”

The attack was interrupted by the arrival of a third party. The child was taken to hospital amid fears she’d broken her ankle, however, it was confirmed she had suffered soft tissue damage. Taylor was taken to police headquarters and when she was arrested she said “Nope. I’ve not done anything wrong. I didn’t do it.”

Sheriff Alistair Carmichael deferred sentence for reports and Taylor had bail continued.

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