Milie, a 21-year-old mum, says she is left with just £193.55 to feed herself and her three children for four weeks, after paying her all important bills and £2,000 nursery fees
A woman has been blasted by cruel trolls for being unable to stretch her Universal Credit payment over the course of a month – due to the rising cost of living and crippling bill payments.
Millie, a 21-year-old mum-of-three, who is ‘attempting to budget better & save more’, explained that her nursery fees are over £2,000 a month alone. And after paying her all important bills, she is left with just £193.55 for four weeks, to feed herself and her three children. But disgusting social media users have blasted her with abuse – with some branding her a ‘joke’ and one even telling her, unhelpfully, to ‘budget better’.
She took to TikTok to share her situation, where she creates content to earn “a little bit of money” and uploaded her short clip with the caption: “Seeing all these numbers written down is CRAZY. Everything is so expensive and yes I have cut down on everything we don’t need!”
The content creator, who previously said she was dubbed a “benefits scrounger”, explained that she got paid £2,458.50 by Universal Credit, which she received on top of her wages and child benefit. Universal Credit is given to eligible UK residents with a low income or who need help with their living costs, as well as child benefits.
Millie then continued: “So my total bills came to £986.95, this doesn’t include electric, I pay that as I go, and then nursery for the three kids was £2,069.60, which isn’t as bad as it was last month actually, but it’s still quite a bit. And when you think, that’s nearly my whole UC just gone, which is why I was skint again this month.”
She added: “So the total for bills and nursery was £3,056.55 – all of my income, including the last month of my maternity pay and child benefit, came to £3,250.10 and the total outgoings with £3,056.55, which left me with £193.55 for four weeks with three kids. So here’s a little heads up to everyone that thinks benefit life is the cushy life, it isn’t.”
Millie also claimed that her wages “weren’t as much” as they usually are as it was her last month of maternity pay. As a result, she stressed that things “all just went a little bit downhill”. Not only this, but Millie also claimed that “we literally shouldn’t be struggling the way that we are”.
But Millie continues to receive unhelpful comments and feedback on her videos. One person commented: “Still more than what we are left with, I work part time, partner works full, we pay nursery fees and get no help.” Another person blasted: “More than me and I work full time. budget your money better.”
And someone else quipped: “I’m 20 years working and I get less. How? How is this fair?,” to which Millie clapped back and said: “No idea, have it out with the government.”
Meanwhile, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has issued a major update to those who pay rent and claim Universal Credit. The department announced this week that it was going to examine the controversial system, which automatically lets landlords take a cut of a claimant’s benefit to cover rent arrears. The move comes after a major high court ruling last month that described the system as “unfair” and “unlawful.”