The tenor, a patron of the charity Brain Tumour Research, said he swept his grief under the carpet and found himself in a dark place after his marriage collapsed

Singer Alfie Boe has revealed he still ‘speaks’ to his late father – 27 years after he died of a brain tumour. The tenor, 50, a patron of the charity Brain Tumour Research, said he “brushed” a lot of his sadness “under the carpet” to cope with the loss he suffered aged just 23.

But he still speaks to dad Alfred – who died in 1997 aged 63 – and it even helped him through his marriage breakdown. Alfie, who previously told how he took an overdose as he went into ‘really dark place after separating from his wife, said he still leans on his dad for guidance.

Speaking to launch a rose in memory of his dad, a keen gardener, Alfie said: “When anybody goes through up and downs in life we all turn to our parents. I do go back to him – I talk to him. If I’m going through a bit of a difficult time. If I’m nervous or excited I will sit down and I’ll chat. He can be there for me if I need him.”

The Alfred Robert Boe rose, which has been launched at the Hampton Court Flower Show, is named after Alfie’s father. It is hoped it can help raise funds and bring the importance of the organisation’s research into the forefront of the new government’s focus.

The West End Star, from Fleetwood, Lancashire, has demanded more be done to treat brain tumours and called on the government must step up its their efforts.

Brain tumours kill more people under 40 than any other cancer, but attract just 1 per cent of the national spend on cancer research. For every rose sold, Harkness Roses will donate £2.50 to Brain Tumour Research which funds Centres of Excellence across the UK.

Alfie added: “My dad loved his roses, so it’s really special for me to do this in his memory while helping to raise money for Brain Tumour Research, a charity I am very proud to be a Patron of and which is working to find a cure for this devastating disease.

“I didn’t expect it to hit me as hard as it has. I saw my rose net to my dad’s rose. It brought a tear to my eye. I miss him every day. He loved his gardening.

“We’ve got a new government. They need to step up. It’s been hard to make strides. There has been nothing from the previous government. It’s shameful. It frustrates and angers me. The situation for patients like dad hasn’t really changed.

“I feel incredibly sad to think that families are still facing this awful diagnosis and, nearly 30 years later, there have been so few advances in treatment.

“There is no doubt in my mind that research into brain tumours should be a priority and I am ashamed to think that charities are having to do so much in this area. The Government should be doing so much more.”

Alfred started struggling with his eyesight and headaches and after being initially dismissed he was diagnosed with an aggressive and inoperable brain tumour. He came home to Fleetwood, Lancashire to spend the remainder of his life before he passed away on May 18, 1997 – in Alfie’s arms.

Alfie said: “It was a shock. I’ve now had longer without him than I did with him. He was vibrant, loving and kind. Losing him at 23, and dad only being 63 felt unfair. You try to be strong for everyone around you. I was brushing it under the carpet to not feel that sadness.”

Dan Knowles, CEO of Brain Tumour Research, said: “We’re delighted to be working with Harkness Roses to launch this very special rose in memory of Alfie’s dad. As Patron, Alfie’s high profile will help raise funds and awareness.

“It’s only with the support of people like him that we’re able to progress our research into brain tumours and improve outcomes for patients like Alfred who are forced to fight this awful disease.”

‘Alfred Robert Boe’ is £19.99 for bare root or £24.99 for a 3-4 litre potted rose. It will be available in the autumn at or pre-order online.

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