The mother of two disabled children fears her already struggling family will end up homeless following the Spring Statement cuts, and has branded politicians as ‘monsters in plain sight’

A mum who relies on benefits after being forced to give up work to care for her two children with high-level needs says the Spring Statement cuts are “demonising the disabled.”

Former actor and beauty therapist Nicola Holmes, 55, cares full-time for her son Ethan, 18, who has autism, Down’s syndrome and severe anxiety about leaving the house and daughter Ella, 15, who is situationally mute, has anxiety and has PDA (pathological demand and avoidance)

Already in debt, she fears her family could end up homeless if their benefits are cut and says the Government’s reforms will push even more disabled families into poverty.

She says: “Demonising the disabled is unacceptable – we are being made to feel like criminals. But the only criminals here are the politicians. As children we used to be scared of the monsters under the bed, but those monsters have become the suits in Government. The monsters are now in plain sight, and we can’t escape the fear.

“I can’t believe Rachel Reeves is saying families will be £500 better off a month – we stand to lose £300 a month or more. The system is beyond broken, it’s been smashed to smithereens.”

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Nicola from Tewkesbury tried to supplement her family’s income with part-time work, but it proved impossible, so they rely on husband Wayne’s unpredictable earnings as a self-employed electrician, benefits and PIP for Ethan, Universal Credit and a Carer’s Allowance.

Nicola claims PIP for Ethan to help with the extra costs that come with caring for a high-needs child and Ella is due to move to a PIP next month when she turns 16. For the Holmes’, Universal Credit is also essential.

Nicola says: “PIP goes some small way to buying the specialist foods Ethan needs and towards the extra electricity and water his disability needs require.

“Without Universal Credit, we could not keep going. Carer’s allowance works out at less than 50 pence an hour – I can’t top that up to the allowed government amount by going out to work, because there is no significant support yet for Ethan.

“We rely on benefits to pay the bills. If Ethan’s PIP is removed we will be further in debt. If we can’t afford to pay the mortgage, we could end up homeless.

“I can’t go out to work because Ethan and Ella don’t have the right educational and social provision that they need for me to be able to leave the house. If they take the benefits away, we have nowhere to go.

“I don’t want to be in this position – it’s no one’s fault. It’s not Ethan’s fault that he was born the way he was; it’s not my fault that the system is failing us. But the Government wants to blame disabled families.

“Ella will be 16 in April and is about to transfer to PIP – I’m worried she won’t qualify. I’m worried we are going to lose a chunk of money that we used to live on.

“Because I can’t work, DLA has been supplementing the family income. Ethan and Ella have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) but neither are receiving the provision in them, which means I am with them 24/7.

“Things are already a struggle for us financially. If Ella loses PIP I will have to work in the evenings after being with all the children 24/7 all day. When will I actually sleep?

“I could work if I put Ethan in a home, but why should he have to leave the family home because of the Spring Statement?

“Unpaid carers like me save the Government £168bn per year (the equivalent of a second NHS ), which equates to £435million per day. Carers allowance is £83.30 for a week – I do so many hours caring per week that it works out at less than 50p an hour.

“I am caring for Ethan every minute that he is awake. He can’t wash himself, he can’t go to the toilet by himself, he has no danger awareness, he can’t manage money. How can anyone expect him not to have someone looking after him? If I drop dead tomorrow, what the hell happens?

“If my severely disabled son were to be forced into a job whatever that could be, he would need two people supporting him.

“The government must accept there will always be a portion of society who are unable to contribute financially to the economy despite all the pathways to work in the world. That does not mean they have any less value as individuals.’ Ella gets £549 a month for low-rate mobility and high-rate care.

‘The changes being announced mean more stress, more worry and probably more debt to our family. Every waking moment is spent worrying about what will happen to my children when I am no longer here. I carry a heavy bag of responsibility with me every day which is rarely put down, a physical knot in my stomach.

“Benefit fraud from PIP is 0.2%. It is extremely hard to gain PIP. If this benefit is removed, then so is the carers’ allowance; you will have a situation where disabled people and their carers are left destitute.

“We are going to experience a domino effect right now. Imagine a record-breaking room full of dominoes all setup. The removal of benefits will push the first domino, and the rest will fall. The knock-on effect is unimaginable. Human worth should not be related to economic value.”

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