Business Wednesday, Mar 12

Shannon Donachie was desperate for attention from the man, and after he went silent on her she sent him the vile photo of child sexual abuse ‘for attention’, Teesside Crown Court heard

A paedophile sent a picture of herself sexually abusing a child in a sick attempt at getting “attention”, a court heard.

Shannon Donachie “craved” the man’s attention and had been chatting with him online when she sent the disgusting photo in 2022. The 24-year-old was jailed after Teesside crown court heard she descended into a vile conversation with the man about sexually abusing children.

When he began to ghost her, desperate Donachie sent over the picture. Prosecutor Shaun Dodds said: “He went silent on her and she craved his attention. He was very specific what he wanted her to do. She sent a photograph of her doing so.”

Donachie, from Middlesbrough, was later arrested and pleaded guilty to assaulting a child by penetration and making an indecent photograph of a child. The man she had been chatting with was also charged and tried, but acquitted, Teesside Live reports.

Robert Mochrie, for Donachie, said she “understands she must be punished”. “This was a lonely and isolated individual at the time of the commission of these offences,” he said. “She is truly remorseful for what she has done.”

Sentencing, Judge Tim Stead said the defendant fell into conversations online which were very “unhealthy”. He said: “You may not have initiated them but you did take part in them. I think the main motivation for you was that you didn’t want to lose the social contact that you got.

“You were encouraged to do something of a sexual nature and you did it. I am satisfied that but for the pressure of circumstances and encouragement you got from elsewhere you wouldn’t have done such a thing. It is apparent the other party would withdraw from chatting with you if you were not cooperative and in agreement.

“Of course I stress, that cannot excuse sexual criminal offending against a child. It can’t even begin to do that. Your moral failure was also a criminal failure.”

The defendant, of Fairfield Avenue, has no previous convictions and was handed a five-year extended sentence made up of a four-year custodial term and one year on licence.

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