Motion sickness can put you in a foul mood during your travels – but some simple solutions could help

Whether you’re easily susceptible to motion sickness or occasionally sense your stomach turn, this feeling can be a horrible one to encounter and is something we would all much prefer to avoid. With lots of Brits heading abroad and travelling, people will be suffering for the sake of some rest and relaxation.

According to MedlinePlus, one in three people are highly susceptible to motion sickness. The constant movement at sea and lack of visual reference points (which help the brain reconcile what it’s feeling with what it can see) means that those who already suffer from motion sickness are even more affected.

Thankfully, there’s several natural remedies for seasickness, which range from snacking on olives, to putting pressure on the divot in between your nose and your lips. Lydia Crispin at AllClear has shared some of the easiest and most effective methods that have been tested by travellers.

“There are many natural remedies which can be found at home in your cupboards or most definitely along your travels to help alleviate motion and sea sickness starting with peppermint oil,” says Lydia. She explained how peppermint has muscle relaxing properties which can alleviate stomach cramps and reduce sickness.

She said: “It can be used in various forms, such as inhaling peppermint scented oils, applying it topically to the wrists or behind the ears, or sipping on a refreshing peppermint tea. If the taste or smell of peppermint isn’t for you, you could instead opt for a lemon or ginger water or tea, which is also a great remedy for seasickness, consumed by both smelling and drinking.

“The scent of lemon has a refreshing and calming effect, which helps to reduce nausea as well as keeping you hydrated. In fact, the sour taste can help distract you from any feelings of an upset stomach. It is believed that ginger, taken in small doses, can be an anti-nausea spice which can help settle the stomach and prevent the feeling of sickness.”

You don’t have to splurge on any extra expenses to combat travel sickness as, apparently, our bodies produce something in abundance that can help. Lydia said: “If you’re not a tea drinker and prefer to keep consuming hot drinks to a minimum, swallowing your own saliva can also help reduce the feeling of motion sickness by maintaining normal stomach motility. As you continue to swallow, it will reduce the amount of saliva that might otherwise be overwhelming in your mouth, due to feeling sick.”

This next ‘hack’ might seem counterintuitive but snacking when feeling nauseous can be a very helpful way to calm your stomach. Lydia explained your best option would be something salty like popcorn, pretzels, crackers or rice cakes.

She said: “[These] can help to balance electrolytes to help hydration as well as binge a distraction from feeling unwell. A great healthy snack to curb these feelings of nausea are green apples, costing as little as 34 pence, they can help to neutralise stomach acid and reduce the sensation of being sick. Their tartness can also distract from the nauseous feeling.

“Lastly, olives are a great snack to settle your stomach as they help to dry out the mouth and prevent excess saliva, a common reason for vomiting. The salty and distinctive taste is also a great distraction.”

Before any trip, if you know you suffer with sickness, then being prepared is the most important thing you can do. Not every method works from person to person but finding your ‘cure’ could come in an unexpected place.

Lydia said: “Interestingly, a hat with a brim reduces sensitivity by blocking out bright light and reducing any eye or head strain, which can exacerbate motion sickness. Not only should you be avoiding direct sunlight to the eyes but also any extra screen time on mobile devices that is not necessary, should be avoided when possible”.

The final quick and easy tip that Lydia recommended is “applying pressure to the divot of your nose” – also known as the philtrum. This is meant to relieve any pressure and stimulate nerve endings in the area, which can send signals to the brain to release certain neurotransmitters that can help remove any sickness feeling.

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