The affected high street branches do not open five days a week and are closed on a midweek day. The move will swap this midweek closure to another day and push back some opening times

Nationwide Building Society is making a huge a dozen of its high street branches next month. The UK’s largest building society – which has 27million members – is changing the opening hours at 12 sites from April 14.

The affected high street bank branches do not open five days a week and are closed on a midweek day. The move will swap this midweek closure to another day in some instances. Alongside this, the opening hours of some sites will also shift, with some branches now opening later.

One example is Nationwide’s branch in Kinswinford, which is situated on Market Street. Currently, this branch is open both on Monday and Tuesday from 9am until 4:40pm. It is also open on Wednesday from 10am until 4:30pm. However, from April 14 this branch will stop opening on Monday and open on Thursday instead from 8am until 4:30p. This means its opening days will change from Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, to Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday. The opening hours on Wednesday are to remain the same.

In the majority of cases, Nationwide is opting to keep the branches closed on Mondays and open them another day in the week – although this is not the case for all.

On the changes, a Nationwide spokesperson said: “We remain committed to our branch promise that everywhere we have a branch we will remain until at least the start of 2028. We continually review branch opening days and hours based on customer demand and we are pleased to be increasing opening hours overall. For individual branch opening hours, please see our branch finder on our website.”

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Nationwide branches changing its opening hours

Bangor (Wales)

  • Now – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm)
  • From April – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (9am to 4.30pm)


  • Now – Monday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm) and Wednesday (10am to 4.30pm)
  • From April – Tuesday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm) and Wednesday (10.30am to 4.30pm)


  • Now – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (9am to 4.30pm)
  • From April – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (9am to 4.30pm)


  • Now – Monday, Thursday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm)
  • From April – Monday, Wednesday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm)


  • Now – Monday and Tuesday (9am to 4.30pm) and Wednesday (10am to 4.30pm)
  • From April – Tuesday and Thursday (9am to 4.30pm) and Wednesday (10am to 4.30pm)


  • Now – Monday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm) and Wednesday (10am to 4.30pm)
  • From April – Wednesday (10am to 4.30pm) and Thursday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm)


  • Now – Monday, Thursday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm) and Wednesday (10am to 4.30pm)
  • From April – Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm) and Wednesday (10am to 4.30pm)

New Alresford

  • Now – Monday, Thursday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm)
  • From April – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (9am to 4.30pm)


  • Now – Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm)
  • From April – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (9am to 4.30pm)


  • Now – Monday and Thursday (9am to 1.30pm and 2pm to 4pm) and Wednesday (10am to 1.30pm and 2pm to 4pm)
  • From April – Tuesday and Thursday (9am to 1.30pm and 2pm to 4pm) and Wednesday (10am to 1.30pm and 2pm to 4pm)


  • Now – Monday, Tuesday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm)
  • From April – Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm)


  • Now – Monday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm) and Wednesday (10am to 4.30pm)
  • From April – Tuesday and Friday (9am to 4.30pm) and Wednesday (10.30am to 4.30pm)

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