Thought Martin Lewis only dished out financial advice? Think again. The TV star has now unveiled an ‘amazing’ recipe for guacamole with one key ingredient

He’s the expert behind transformative advice on all things personal finance – from DWP claims, to HMRC tips. So, it may surprise you to hear that Martin Lewis has now sung the praises of a rather unusual recipe that he whips up using a nifty kitchen tool.

The 52-year-old even labelled this piece of equipment one his ‘best ever buys’ on his latest BBC Sounds podcast. Remarkably, he also claimed that ‘at least nine’ of his friends have bought one after seeing just how handy it is.

In a conversation about amazing purchases for under £5, he said: “One of my best ever buys – and it was more than a fiver so I can’t say it in there – but I’m going to now. It’s got a plastic casing and a lid on the top, and then it’s got blades underneath and a pull string.

“So, you pull it back with a handle on the top…But it’s only small it’s maybe, what, 15cm in diameter, and you can put vegetables in there. And then you pull it back and it speeds the blade round and it chops them at superspeed.”

What Martin’s describing is a manual food chopper. Although he didn’t showcase a brand or specific product, he did reveal that it cost around £10. However, right now, you can buy different variations of these for as little as £6.50 on Amazon or £14 at Morrisons.

On The Martin Lewis Podcast, he continued: “I love it! I absolutely love it, I make amazing guacamole with it, I can chop up a salad with it… It does it so easily, you don’t need any processor, it’s so quick.

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“The guacamole’s amazing… And when I’ve had friends round they go ‘I can’t believe you’re going to put that in there’. I put my guac, and I put my garlic and I put my lime. I put a little bit – because I saw this abroad and they had a beautiful burrata cheese they put in the guacamole – but I just use like a cheese triangle. I put a cheese triangle in the guacamole.”

Homemade guacamole is undoubtedly a very healthy choice of snack too – primarily thanks to its avocado content. Dubbed a ‘superfood’, these fruits are packed with an array of nutrients including magnesium, potassium and healthy and omega-3 fatty acids.

Notably, they are also King Charles’ favourite lunchtime snack, according to The Mail On Sunday. Research suggests they are especially beneficial for protecting your heart, slashing your diabetes risk, and even ‘fighting cancer’, according to Health.

Its experts explain: “Extracts of avocado pulp or the fruit have been found to have cancer fighting properties. An extract containing several antioxidants, including lutein, zeaxanthin, beta carotene, and vitamin E, stopped the growth of prostate cancer cells. Another extract killed oral cancer cells.”

Continuing with his guacamole recipe, Martin refused to say whether his cheese triangles were produced by Dairylea, stressing they could be ‘any brand’. He continued: “I’ve had it out in the summer when people have come round and I’ve made fresh guacamole because you can do it in front of them. And I have at least nine friends who’ve bought one since.”

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