The M6 has fully reopened at 70mph today for the first time since work began in 2021, National Highways lifted the 50mph speed restriction between Warrington and Wigan at 7am this morning

Motorists on the M6 motorway have been given a speed boost this Christmas as the limit has been raised back to 70mph.

The major motorway, which runs from the Midlands and the Scottish boarder, has fully reopened at the higher speed for the first time since work began in 2021. National Highways lifted the 50mph restriction between Warrington and Wigan at 7am on Thursday morning.

The section, running between junction 21a at Croft and junction 26 at Orrell, had been operating with reduced speeds following £260m of work including investment in stopped vehicle detection (SVD) technology. This tech alerts operators about the possible need for lane closures and temporary speed limits.

The upgraded motorway stretches for 10 miles between junction 21a (the Croft interchange for the M62) and junction 26 (for the M58 and Orrell), reports Birmingham Live. Roadworks were extended a year ago to more than double the number of areas into which motorists can pull over in an emergency (from 10 to 22). National Highways says that the ‘upgrade’ of the M6 will ‘help to improve journey times and reliability for the tens of thousands of drivers who use the route daily’.

The work has involved providing extra technology and safety enhancements, the agency says. The project was expanded last December to include an additional 12 emergency areas and resurface all lanes along most of the improved route. National Highways introduced a ‘driving on motorways’ hub in 2022.

This tool, provided by the motoring body and road agency, offers motorists, road users and drivers across the country details about the main features of so-called smart motorways, as well as advice on safer driving and what to do in an emergency.

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