Cambridge Crown Court heard how Kyle Clifford accessed the home of BBC pundit John Hunt by claiming to have a card for the family, as the jury was shown a transcript of a conversation

Kyle Clifford used a “ruse” to gain access to BBC pundit John Hunt’s home by claiming to have a card for his ex-girlfriend’s family so he could launch his murderous attack, a court heard today.

A transcript was today read to jurors in which Clifford, 26, tells Louise Hunt’s mum, Carol, 61, he wanted to return her possessions after she ended their 18-month relationship. As Louise, 25, worked in a pod in the back garden running her dog-grooming business, Clifford claimed he was undergoing therapy following the break-up.

He also wrote a card to Carol and John, in which he thanked them for allowing him to be “part of the family for 18 months”, adding: “Your family has shown me love and kindness.”

Prosecutors claim this was part of a “deceit” to trick his way into the home before he stabbed Carol to death and murdered and raped his ex, Louise, and killed her sister, Hannah, 28, with a crossbow. Opening the case, Alison Morgan KC told Cambridge Crown Court: “The attack was carefully planned and executed, involving the deceit of Louise’s mother Carol Hunt, in order to gain access to the family home, followed by a brutal knife attack upon her.

“The defendant then waited for Louise to enter the property, before restraining, raping and ultimately murdering her with a crossbow. He then killed Louise’s sister Hannah Hunt with the crossbow, when she returned to the property after work.”

Clifford has admitted three counts of murder after launching the attack at the Hunt family home in Bushey, Hertfordshire, on July 9 last year. He admits killing Louise, Carol and her sister Hannah.

He denies raping Louise during a three-hour ordeal, Cambridge Crown Court has heard. Opening the prosecution at Cambridge Crown Court today, Alison Morgan KC laid out the events on the day of the attack and said a CCTV camera at the front door captured audio.

She told jurors: “The defendant approaches the front door of the property, with the rucksack on his back and carrying the plastic bag. He knocks on the door.

“Carol Hunt opens the door. A conversation then takes place in which some parts can be heard.

“It is alleged the defendant was seeking to get inside the property by suggesting he wanted to return the items of property and then asking if Carol had another bag to put the items into.”

The jury was shown the below transcript:

Kyle Clifford [KC]: ‘Hey I’m just err dropping off some of err Louise’s stuff’
Carol Hunt [CH]: ‘oo ok’
KC: ‘You ok’
CH: ‘Yeh how are you Kyle’
KC: ‘I’m good thank you, what’s wrong, you look like’
CH: ‘I’ve seen a ghost’
KC: ‘Ohhh…yeh I got you guys a card as well to say bye, is John in, his car is (inaudible, points in direction of car)?’
CH: ‘No he’s working he’s gone up to London so yeh’
KC: ‘I was thinking to myself it was probably very unlikely, if I come late at night to say goodbye to him but (inaudible) come late at night
CH: [Carol speaks but you can’t hear what she is saying]
KC: ‘Oh yeh, no’
CH: [Carol continues to talk but you can’t hear what is being said]
KC: [Kyle responds but it is inaudible]
CH: ‘…maybe, maybe think in the next relationship… the way you are, and maybe try and change [inaudible] If you carry on like this you’ll end up on your own’
KC: ‘I’ve started therapy as well’
CH: ‘Have you? [audible]’
KC: ‘Ermmm’
CH: ‘…relationship to relationship and it never works out and then there’s a lot of issues…I don’t think you’re a nasty person…’
KC: ‘Yeh I understand …I’ve got no negative thoughts about our relationship…you know it wasn’t…don’t know how to word it….it was like… [inaudible]. If I could go back in time I wouldn’t like not do it, you know, I’ve learnt so much and yeh’
CH: Carol speaks but you can’t hear what she is saying
KC: [Inaudible] ‘No one is though are they, We’ve all got stuff to work on, Maybe just some more than others like myself, but I’ll get there’
CH: ‘So how do you feel in yourself? …[inaudible] you still feeling upset?’
KC: ‘Erm You know what the first week [inaudible] not right’
CH: ‘ You know she’s been crying [inaudible]…’
KC: ‘Yeh I was bed bound and I couldn’t do anything after that erm you know like I had a conversation with my parents, I was like opening up to people, I re downloaded Instagram, I was messaging old friends and saying to them like are yous lot free they all understood, I’ve been meeting up with old army friends, like stuff like that which has been very helpful, and therapy as well which has given me an understanding of like A) why I am the way I am and B) if erm how to move past it, like obviously everyone is who they are can’t help that but can always understand what they are saying [inaudible], like you are who you are but you can change certain personalities, I think is what they call it, like temper or, and trauma from the past from family
CH: ‘[Inaudible]… past…you know you don’t want to end up like that’
KC: [scoffs] ‘Yeh of course’
CH: ‘[Inaudible]… Hopefully like you..learn a lot…each other now’
KC: ‘[Inaudible]…Of course…say like…that’s why they say old people are so wise….they’ve lived through life and got all that experience they can look back at where they’ve gone wrong’
CH: ‘Yes well do do that Kyle…[inaudible]’
KC: ‘Where is she, working?’
CH: ‘She’s working…[inaudible]’
KC: ‘They’re going on holiday as well aren’t they?’
CH: ‘Yeh yeh’
KC: ‘Ah right yeh’
CH: [Inaudible]
KC: ‘[Inaudible]… gone?’
CH: ‘Go up there… [inaudible]’
KC: ‘Oh they broke up?!’
CH: ‘Yeh.. [inaudible]’
KC: ‘I think erm…[inaudible]’
CH: ‘Well I wish you luck Kyle’
KC: ‘Oh do you have plastic bag to put this stuff in I have got you a card as well. Here you go’
CH: ‘ [Inaudible]… will a black bag?’

Mrs Morgan said within a minute of entering the property, Clifford had killed Carol. She told jurors: “The defendant entered the property, having been let in by Carol. Within a minute at 2.40pm screams can be heard from a female. A long scream is followed by four shorter screams or shouts. There are then banging sounds.
“The prosecution alleges that the defendant attacked Carol, using the knife, in this period, having just entered the property. As we will come to, Carol sustained significant knife wounds.”

In January Clifford admitted three counts of murder as well as false imprisonment after tying Louise up. He also entered guilty pleas for the possession of a 10-inch butcher’s knife and a crossbow. He denied raping Louise on July 9.

The trial continues.

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