A dedicated dieter has been utilising the clever point system of WeightWatchers to aid her weight loss journey. She’s now unveiling what a typical day looks like for her

A dieting guru has shone a light on her experience with a WeightWatchers diet plan – claiming she hasn’t given up on treats like chocolate buttons and red wine. The vlogger, dubbed as ‘ww_weighting’ on TikTok, has lost a staggering ’40kg’ over the course of her weight loss journey and she’s used a nifty tracking device to assist this progress.

“Come join me on a ‘what I eat in a day’ and all I want to highlight to you is notice that I am eating real food and real portions,” she said in a recent video. “Even though I am taking a refreshed approach to my weight loss journey, because I’m currently in a plateau, does not mean that I have done anything to the extreme.

“I’m not starving myself and I’m also not flogging myself with exercise – so let’s go!” Crucially, the dieter makes use of WeightWatchers’ game-changing point-tracking system to plan her meals.

In a nutshell, this processes the complex nutritional information on food packaging and converts it into a simplified number. While fibres, proteins and unsaturated fats cause this number to plummet, sugars and saturated fats make it spike.

Those who follow a WeightWatchers plan will get personalised daily Points Budget and, as long as you stay within this budget, you should be on track to lose ‘1-2bs a week’. Progress is trackable within the WeightWatchers phone app.

Kicking off the vlogger’s daily diet was a coffee with added French vanilla syrup and skimmed milk, contributing merely one point to her budget. This was followed by two slices of wholemeal sourdough at four points, layered in butter and chicken, adding three points.

The dieter also voiced that she now loves pairing fruit with meals. This time, she snacked on some pineapple, worth absolutely no points at all. “Then because I’m going out and I’m leaving early I decided to have dinner for lunch,” she continued.

“So, stack of vegetables [no points], I’ve added this Korean hot chilli paste [one point] which is amazing – new favourite thing – plus some soy sauce. And then on top I added some chicken breast that I had cooked in the chilli paste… overall, yummy dish, it was only one point for dinner.”

Although the dieter didn’t have a ‘proper dinner’, she indulged in a number of treats that evening, including two glasses of red wine. She went on: “Then in the evening I met a friend for a movie but first up had a large glass of red wine [250ml is six points] – delicious. Oops, actually I ended up having a second glass of red wine – also delicious.

“Then I shared some chocolate buttons while watching the film and it was 28 points for the day.” Impressively, the vlogger claims she’s lost 40kg, or six stone, over the course of her weight loss journey.

In a number of separate clips, she’s raved about the countless benefits of shedding extra pounds, claiming that she no longer feels compelled to cover up and finds it less awkward to use public transport. She explained: “I was so conscious about being in my bigger body and taking up too much space.

“Kind of infringing on the space of the person sitting beside me to the point where I would completely contort myself to not take up too much space. Like, seriously to the extent of giving myself back pain or cramp because I’m so contorted.

“But now I just sit in my seat, get comfortable and there’s no headspace going towards ‘how does the person feel beside me?'”

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