The money is being distributed by Herefordshire Council as part of the Household Support Fund scheme, which is funded by the by the DWP

If you’re an unpaid carer who claims certain benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) then you could be entitled to a one-off payment of £300.

The money is being distributed by Herefordshire Council as part of the Household Support Fund scheme, which is funded by the by the DWP. Each council gets to decide what type of help it offers – for example, one-off payments, or supermarket or energy vouchers – and who is eligible.

If you’re a Herefordshire resident, and you’re an unpaid carer on a low income, you’ll be entitled to £300 if you provide more than 35 hours of care per week and meet one of the following criteria:

  • You have an average income of less than £151 per week, after tax
  • You claim benefits such as Universal Credit, Pension Credit or Carer’s Allowance
  • You have had to reduce your working hours or become unemployed due to your caring role
  • You need help with additional costs associated with providing care, such as transportation or equipment

You’ll need to contact one of the following organisations in order to be referred for the £300 payment: Carers Links, Age UK Wyvern, Dementia Matters Here(fordshire), Crossroads Together and Citizens Advice Bureau. If you’re in a household that is reliant on high energy medical equipment, such as, ventilators, dialysis machines, oxygen concentrators or feeding pumps, you may be entitled to a one-off £250 payment from Herefordshire Council. You can make a self-referral or be referred by a health professional, support worker, social prescriber or social worker.

If you’re not a Herefordshire resident, check your local council website to see what help it could potentially offer you – but be quick, the Household Support Fund closes on March 31. For example, people living in Solihull can get free help worth £500 to pay off water and energy debts. You need to have a combined annual household income of under £31,000, have no household savings, except for if you’re a pensioner, then you can have up to £5,000 in savings. You must have someone living in the household with a vulnerability and be in receipt of a qualifying benefit.

Rotherham residents can get £250 support this winter. To qualify, you must have no more than £150 remaining each month after covering essential expenses like food, rent or mortgage, and utility bills. The funding is not means-tested but only one application can be made per household.

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