Ben Collins, 24, of Colchester, Essex, noticed an itchy, red lump on his back that resembled a ‘gnat bite’. Doctors suggested it might be an allergic reaction to his tattoos or ringworm.

An electrician was shocked when what was initially thought to be ringworm or a tattoo ink allergy turned out to be cancer.

Ben Collins, 24, noticed an itchy, red lump on his back that resembled a “gnat bite”. Despite initial misdiagnoses, doctors confirmed in March 2021 that he had lymphoma – a type of cancer affecting the lymphatic system.

After undergoing seven rounds of radiotherapy at Guy’s Hospital in London, Ben and his family have racked up travel costs amounting to about £3,000 over three years. Currently in an observation phase and facing new lumps on his lower back, Ben remains upbeat, aiming to “get (his) life back”.

He’s joined forces with Young Lives vs Cancer to advocate for better financial support for young cancer patients and their families, highlighting the “astronomical” cost of living and the challenges of accessing specialist treatment. “Some people have to travel for hours to get to a specialist hospital and some families don’t have the money to be able to do that,” Ben said, stressing the financial barriers many face in getting to cancer treatment.

Before the Covid-19 pandemic hit in February 2020, Ben discovered a lump in his right breast. After a biopsy, it was found to be “just a fatty lump”. Doctors then noticed another lump on his back, which they thought was benign. He was referred to dermatology, but his appointment was delayed until February 2021 due to the pandemic.

Speaking about the lump on his back, Ben, of Colchester, Essex, said: “It was probably about a centimetre in diameter, so it looked like a gnat bite or a spot. It was red and raised and it was itchy as well.”

One doctor suspected it could be ringworm – a fungal infection – and prescribed steroid creams, but this didn’t alleviate his symptoms. Another doctor suggested it might be an allergic reaction to his tattoos.

“I contacted my tattoo artist, asking him to send me all the ingredients that were in the ink that he uses, and then I forwarded that to the doctor,” Ben explained. “That crossed out any lines from it being related to the tattoos, but that was quite a surprising one when they said it could be related to my tattoos.”

Despite the persistent lump, Ben underwent two biopsies at Colchester Hospital, leading to his lymphoma diagnosis in March 2021, aged 21. “It was awful because I was expecting it to be an allergy, an allergic reaction to some tattoos that I’d had – that was the worst case scenario and they might have to cut out some tattoos,” Ben admitted. .

“I was told: ‘You’ll essentially have the lymphoma for life, unless it gets bad enough that we have to treat you with chemotherapy’.” Ben revealed that being diagnosed with cancer at a young age was a huge shock. “At that age, you don’t expect to even contemplate a diagnosis like that… and when you hear the word ‘cancer’, instantly you always think the worst.”

Following his diagnosis, Ben was referred to Guy’s Hospital, where he underwent further biopsies and was told he needed radiotherapy. Initially, he struggled to come to terms with his diagnosis, describing it as “surreal” for weeks.

However, it wasn’t until he was watching TV with his girlfriend that the reality of his situation hit him. “My girlfriend and I were sitting in bed, watching The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up To Cancer, and every single advert was, ‘One in two of us will be affected by cancer in our lifetime’,” he said. “It really hit hard at that point.”

Ben began his treatment in June 2021, which involved radiation therapy to shrink and eliminate the cancer. Although the treatment was “daunting” at first, each session only lasted a few minutes. “You don’t feel anything when you’re having the treatment, but a few days later, it will be warm to the touch,” he explained. “After a couple of weeks, the areas will get red and they constantly come up tanned.”

Since his diagnosis, Ben has undergone an additional six rounds of radiotherapy, making a total of seven. This required him to travel from his home in Colchester to London every day for a week each time. Young Lives vs Cancer reports that young people and their families face an extra £700 per month on average for costs such as travel, food, and clothing during treatment.

The charity acknowledged the existence of healthcare travel cost schemes in a 2024 report but highlighted that “a range of barriers to receiving this support mean the vast majority of children and young people with cancer miss out on this much needed assistance”.

The charity is urging the Government to establish a £10m Young Cancer Patient Travel Fund to assist young people and their families with travel costs for treatment.

For Ben, he said the cost of train tickets for himself and his mother, along with petrol and parking fees, “easily” exceeds £400 each time he undergoes a round of treatment. Earlier this year, he said he needed two-and-a-half weeks of treatment, which cost him over £1,000. He estimates that he has spent around £3,000 on travel expenses so far. “I’ve got a credit card that I’ve had to put all the costs on and then you slowly pay it off, but some people can’t afford to do that,” he said.

“So, some people either have to go without the treatment or they might not be able to put the heating on that week.” Ben shared that his diagnosis “plays” on his mind as new lumps keep appearing, but he’s chosen to stay upbeat and has even embraced running, tackling several Nuclear Races and the 2023 Ipswich Half Marathon.

He credits being more “active” with helping him shed four stone since May – weight he put on from comfort eating post-diagnosis – and he’s now dedicated to maintaining his health and fitness. Ben’s Young Lives vs Cancer social worker Abby has been a pillar of support, securing financial grants for him and organising special outings, like an unforgettable trip to Wimbledon.

As Ben gears up for his next Tough Mudder challenge in November, he’s determined to “prove” to himself and others that it’s possible to reach your goals despite obstacles and aims to boost awareness about lymphoma. Young Lives vs Cancer social workers assist young individuals, such as Ben, in obtaining financial aid and grants to manage additional expenses. For more information about the charity, head to

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