While food and lifestyle changes can’t completely reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, your plate could go a long way in deciding how soon it appears – and how quickly it progresses

While food and lifestyle changes can’t completely reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, what you put on your plate could play a significant role in determining how soon it appears – and how quickly it progresses. For many, Alzheimer’s Disease may seem like a genetic lottery and an inevitable diagnosis, however adhering to certain diets has been shown to lower your risk and slow down the development of the neurological disease.

Initially, the keto diet was at the forefront of research, but new studies have debunked it as the top choice for patients and those looking to prevent a diagnosis. A number of studies have pointed to the Mediterranean diet as an ideal lifestyle to stave off neurodegenerative tendencies and other chronic diseases.

The diet is high in anti-inflammatory foods as well as healthy fats and antioxidants with some studies highlighting an undeniable link between the diet and slower Alzheimer’s Disease progression. The Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay diet, or the MIND diet, was created to combine the lifestyle choice and scientifically-crafted dietary methods to stop hypertension and aid brain health.

The MIND diet encourages people to base their food around several specific items that are most associated with a reduced risk and slower progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. This includes, according to Healthline, berries, green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, olive oil, fatty fish, beans and legumes, chicken and turkey.

The MIND diet research has also inadvertently revealed the foods that could potentially heighten your risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease. These include cheese, beef, pork, lamb, foods with added sugar like pastries, baked goods, candy, and soda, fried foods, butter and margarine.

Some studies have discovered that adhering to the MIND diet can slash the risk of Alzheimer’s by a whopping 53% if patients strictly follow their restrictions. Even those who occasionally deviate from the diet were found to have a 35% reduced risk.

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