A cleaning expert has shared a simple and natural way to clean grout using just two ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen cupboard.

Grout, the lines between tiles, can easily become stained but needs to be cleaned regularly to prevent black mould growing in bathrooms.

No one wants to spend hours washing walls or floor tiles, but there exists a quicker and easier way to clean grout using a natural homemade remedy for stains and mould, reports the Express.

Erin, a cleaning guru and the founder of Lemons, Lavender and Laundry, has unveiled her best trick to whiten grout which mixing together baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

She said: “I have made a lot of cleaning recipes over the years, and I can honestly say this DIY Grout Cleaner is one of my favourites.

“The results are truly incredible! I am not kidding when I say it works like magic. My grout went from dirty brown to ‘like new’ status with just a little scrubbing.”

Baking soda is both mildly abrasive and alkaline, which can remove dirt, grease or grime stuck on grout’s very absorbent porous surface without scratching the time.

Erin explained: “Baking soda has the ability to pull dirt and grime out of so many surfaces.”

Hydrogen peroxide is fantastic for cleaning tiles as it is a natural bleaching agent which can whiten and brighten grout. It eliminates can also mould or other organic matter effectively.

Erin stated: “The wonderful thing about hydrogen peroxide is it not only works with the baking soda to clean grout, it is also a disinfectant.”

How to clean tile grout using this homemade mixture

You will need:

  • Baking soda
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Bowl
  • Toothbrush
  • Sponge


First, mix half a cup of baking soda into a bowl but you may need more for a bigger area like a bathroom wall or floor.

Erin said: “Remember, you can always make more grout cleaner if you run out, so go with a smaller amount to start.”

Then, gradually mix in hydrogen peroxide until it has a paste-like texture. If it seems too runny then just mix in a bit more baking soda.

Erin said: “In the end, you want a consistency that will sit on the toothbrush like soft toothpaste, and not run off.”

Once your DIY concoction is ready, add some onto a toothbrush and get stuck into the grout. You’ll notice the colour brighten up straight away as you clean.

After giving the tiles a quick scrub, rinse the area with a damp sponge to get rid of any leftover baking soda, and keep at it until your grout is spotless.

This nifty homemade mix is not only ace at banishing mould and stains from grout naturally, but it also trumps bleach or other harsh chemicals, ensuring your floors or walls are gleaming in no time.

Erin warned: “Do not use bleach to clean grout. Bleach can damage and discolour both grout and tile over time.”

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