Shopper Madeleine had bought what she thought was a vegetable lasagne from her local Tesco store but, after heating it up, discovered it was a traditional meat version
A woman was left fuming thanks to a prank pulled by a joker at a supermarket, which in the wrong situation could end up costing someone their life.
The shopper, named Madeleine, had gone to Tesco and bought a vegetable lasagne for her dinner. However, once it had cooked and she plonked it on a plate, she discovered it was not veggie safe at all – but was one of the brand’s meat lasagnes on sale. Fuming, she shared her anger on her TikTok page with her followers, which went viral when hundreds of people spoke of their shock at the incident.
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Madeleine wrote: “OK, so which t*** swapped the vegetable lasagne with the meat one at Tesco and ruined my tea? Fuming and I’m in my pjs so can’t go to the shop. It totally ruined my day.
“Like, it’s just a preference. I don’t get angry when people eat meat so why do people care that I don’t. I will definitely be checking from now on.”
When someone criticised her for partaking in a microwave meal, she replied: “We’re having work on the house and have no cooking facilities.”
Several people were floored by someone changing the labels, especially as some people may be allergic and could suffer a dangerous reaction. One said: “This is so unbelievably dangerous if someone has an allergy.”
Another said: “This is scary. My sister is allergic to beef so this would be critical for her.” Another added: “I see it all the time on Facebook, people advocating to do this. Just pure hatred for veggies and hoping to trick them into eating meat – don’t care if it can kill people with allergies.”
Others pointed out someone who thought they were buying a meat version would have also been disappointed to get home and find a veggie one in their shopping bag.
One person said: “Meat eaters forget that by doing this they are sabotaging their own giving them the vegetable one. I don’t understand why they find it so hard to understand why people don’t want to eat dead animals.”
Another said: “I feel more sorry for the guy who bought a normal one and got a vegetable one instead.”
And another said: “This also works the other way, imagine you were wanting a meat one and you get stuck with a veggie one. It ruins things for all parties, who benefits from something like this?”