Viewers left were wondering over a key General Election result as the BBC’s feed cut live on air. The audience were waiting to hear the results announced in Rochdale

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Election 2024: BBC suffers technical glitch during Rochdale declaration

Viewers left were wondering over a key General Election result as the BBC’s feed cut live on air.

People tuning in were waiting to see if George Galloway had retained his seat. The Workers’ Party leader, Galloway lost his Rochdale seat to Labour candidate Paul Waugh. Galloway was not present for the results.

One person watching the feed wrote: “BBC News not showing George Galloway losing his seat has ruined the election for me. FFS lads!”

After the pictures from Rochdale failed, presenter Laura Kuenssburg was forced to read out the result to people watching after the feed cut out for the second time.

During the live coverage, the BBC feed eventually cut to a jubilant looking Neil Kinnock, who called Mr Galloway “repulsive.” Lord Kinnock, the former Labour leader, said he “couldn’t find a good reason to chuck him out.”

Lord Kinnock added Mr Galloway, who received 11,508 votes, was a “chancer” and “repellant.” Mr Galloway was previously a Labour MP from 1987 to 2005.

Following the announcement of the result, Mr Galloway retweeted a quote from a “Worker’s Party Official”, claiming the election “has been rigged against George Galloway from the start.”

On X, Mr Galloway said: “I thank the people of #Rochdale who gave me 54 sitting days in the last parliament as their MP. Big thanks to my agent my campaign team and the thousands who voted for me today. We took the government party to within 1500 votes and serve notice on Labour that we are here to stay in #Rochdale.

“We will field a full slate of council candidates, establish a full-time office there, campaign to re-open the Maternity Ward and A&E, and keep up the pressure on #Labour in the town.”

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