Holidaymakers at Harlyn Bay beach in Cornwall were stunned as a Kelly Whip ice cream van drifted out into the surf after the tide came in – with one rescuer almost losing their own vehicle in the process

You’d need a deep love of ice cream to get one from this van…

Locals told how the driver of a 4X4 desperately tried to winch the Kelly’s ice cream van out with help from surfers but to no avail.

The vehicle floated out to sea after getting stuck on the beach and engulfed by the incoming tide.

Holidaymaker Abi Fisk witnessed the drama on Harlyn Bay beach in Cornwall. She said: “It was the best entertainment for everyone on the beach. They all just stood there in amazement. Even the surfers started surfing past the van.

“It was surreal. It looked like one of those end of the world films, where the Statue of Liberty peeps out from the ocean and you have ice cream vans bobbing in the water.

“The beach was packed. It was the first proper summer beach day we have had in a couple days now. But the tide started coming in, and the van couldn’t drive off.

“Some people in a 4×4 tried to winch him out, but the front tyre had sunk into the sand. They tried to tow the van while it was in the sea, but then it got wedged on some rocks. The guy nearly lost his 4×4 himself.”

The ice cream van was finally pulled out of the water on Sunday at 10pm by a tractor.

Coastguard officers kept a close eye on the unfolding drama. A spokesman said: “The driver was safe and well and not in the vehicle.”

Perhaps he’ll have a new flavour of ice creams from now on… sea salt.

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